It seems like all I ever do is write about the complaints of being pregnant...but I really do love being pregnant!!! If I didn't, I never would have considered being a surrogate.
With that said, I need a moment to vent....
Unless you've ever been pregnant, you have no idea just how much energy a baby will suck from you. And I guess I really didn't think twins would be a whole lot different, but alas...
These babies literally suck it ALL from me!!
You know its bad when Shawn mentions it to me today. We were out doing a little running around, getting a few Christmas presents for the kids. Nothing too major, we were only out for about 3 hrs (but that included having breakfast too) and he said he can tell how tired I seem. I laughed and told him when he's home, he kicks my butt. I'm not used to being out and about for that long. Right now, going to the grocery store is about all I can handle before needing a rest.
You know its bad when Shawn mentions it to me today. We were out doing a little running around, getting a few Christmas presents for the kids. Nothing too major, we were only out for about 3 hrs (but that included having breakfast too) and he said he can tell how tired I seem. I laughed and told him when he's home, he kicks my butt. I'm not used to being out and about for that long. Right now, going to the grocery store is about all I can handle before needing a rest.
We usually take evening walks together. On a normal night we'd easily be gone for an hour, with the kids riding their bikes and I think the last walk I took with him was literally only around the block before I was beat.
We went into Target today to get a few things and I found a bench in the shoe dept and sat down and easily could have sat for a half hour, but after 2 minutes, he was asking if I was ready to go.
He is so incredibly patient and understanding of me right now. He knows he has to slow it down a little.
I also told him when I walk too much these dang braxton hicks starting kicking in and they hurt. I tried explaining it like it feels like I have a big solid heavy bowling ball strapped to my stomach and I can handle if for a while but after a little while, it becomes too much.
Ok...I think I'm done venting for now. I just needed to get that out, and now I can move on. haha
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